Delivery Timeline
Shipping began in July and we already shipped above 11,000 units. See reviews here
Here is the estimated delivery timeline (updated on January 2022):
We have 30,000 units pre-ordered. We already shipped 11,000+ units. We anticipate scaling quickly to shipping 5,000 - 6,000 per month.
Here is the Kickstarter delivery timeline:
Our current goal is to send the shipping container of Origamis to Europe to fulfill all Kickstarter completed surveys by the end of January.
Our current goal is to send the shipping container of Origamis to Australia and New Zealand to fulfill all Kickstarter completed surveys by the end of January.
We have shipped all Kickstarter backers in the US and Canada who completed their survey in December.
Our domestic shipping system is up and running. We are working to set up shipping systems around the world.
Here is the updated website delivery timeline:
Website orders placed Sep 2020 - Jan 2021 should be delivered by the end of January 2022.
Website orders placed Feb 2021 - Jun 2021 should be delivered by April 2022.
Website orders placed Jul 2021 - Mar 2022 should be delivered by May 2022.
Website orders placed today should be delivered by May 2022.
For more questions check out our Help Center here.
Order today to enjoy discounted pre-order pricing and faster delivery.